Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


What our students say about our program

Hear from current students about what they love about Structural Engineering at UCSD as well as their advice for you: Gabriel 

"My favorite part about SE at UCSD is that when I am facing a problem, whether the problem requires a technical or professional advice, I know I can always go around SME and talk to the master's students, PhD students, professors, and academic advisors to get the advice that I need. From my experience in SE at UCSD, an important lesson I have learned is that when choosing a school or a company to work at after graduation, it is really important that there is a sense of community with people who are happy to help you out. I think that all the people in the SE department really create that sense of community that I have learned is so important." - Jessica, SE senior

"Being a SE major at UCSD has allowed me to understand that structures are not just confined to roads and bridges, which we typically think of as “civil engineering”. I have friends who are in structural engineering because they want to focus on aerospace structures or even geotechnical studies. (And don’t worry, I didn’t know what that was either but you’ll definitely find out after taking SE 1!) The level of exposure to different fields and the versatility of SE applications is what really captivates me to become a structural engineer." - Vicky, SE freshman

"I have really enjoyed becoming part of the community of Structural Engineering here at UCSD. Initially, I wasn't sure if this is what I wanted to pursue but after being exposed to the classes, professors, and organizations here on campus I no longer had any doubts. I feel like I have learned so much since I first started. I've grown to really love this program and all the people I've met along the way." - Julia, SE junior


Check out the profiles of current students which detail their experiences and highlights from their time at UC San Diego.


Hands-on Experience in Structural Engineering Courses

Learn more about hands-on experience students get in their undergraduate lab courses.

Check out scenes from the hands-on Structural Engineering Undergraduate Lab Course on Instagram

See previous student lab projects: Applying composites knowledge to make skateboards and a senior design project.



Photo submitted by Aneesh Keni (Professor Tsampras take students to the construction of Eighth College at UCSD as part of SE151B Design of Prestressed Concrete)

Student Engagement and Opportunities

Students are encouraged to participate in student organizations.  Some of these student orgs also participate in design projects which allow them to put theory into practice and gain more hands on experience. 

Learn more about Society of Civil and Structural Engineering (SCSE) in their welcome to newly admitted students.

See the SCSE Seismic Team compete in the 2020 Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition (SDC) hosted by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) as well as a student vlog from the 2019 competition in Vancouver. 

SCSE also hosts an annual Seismic Outreach program that gives UCSD students from all majors the opportunity to reach out to local San Diego 4th and 6th grade classes. As a part of the program, the UCSD volunteers have the chance to teach the younger students about earthquake science and engineering.

The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) welcomes new students and highlights the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) competition

Triton Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) offers an introduction to their annual design project and competition.

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