Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


M.S. students are allowed to use up to eight units of the approved Upper Division Undergraduate courses listed below. 

Ph.D. students are allowed to take eight units of approved Upper Division Undergraduate courses listed below for the DQE, but this includes courses counted for the MS.

Structural Analysis

SE 201A Advanced Structural Analysis 

SE 205 Nonlinear Mechanical Vibrations

SE 201B Nonlinear Structural Analysis

SE 206 Random Vibrations

SE 202 Structural Stability  

SE 215 Cable Structures

SE 203A Structural Dynamics I

SE 203B Structural Dynamics II

SE 224 Structural Reliability and Risk Analysis

SE 204 Advanced Structural Dynamics

SE 233 Computational Techniques in Finite Elements


Computational Mechanics and Finite Elements

SE 232 Machine Learning in Computational Mechanics

SE 276C Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics III

SE 233 Computational Techniques in Finite Elements

SE 277 Error Control in Finite Element Analysis

SE 276A Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics I

SE 279 Meshfree Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics

SE 276B Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics II

SE 280 Finite Element Computations in Solid Mechanics


Structural Design

SE 151B Design of Prestressed Concrete

SE 214 Masonry Structures 

SE 154 Design of Timber Structures

SE 220 Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation

SE 211 Advanced Structural Concrete

SE 223 Advanced Seismic Design of Structures

SE 212 Advanced Structural Steel Design 

SE 224 Structural Reliability and Risk Analysis

SE 213 Bridge Design

SE 254 FRP in Civil Structures


Earthquake Engineering

SE 203A Structural Dynamics I

SE 203B Structural Dynamics II

SE 223 Advanced Seismic Design of Structures 

SE 206 Random Vibrations

SE 225 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

SE 220 Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation

SE 227 Seismic Design and Analysis of Nonstructural Components and Systems

SE 221 Earthquake Engineering 

SE 243 Soil-structure Interaction 

SE 222 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering



Advanced Composites

SE 251A Processing of Polymers & Composites

SE 260B Aerospace Structural Mechanics II

SE 251B Mechanical Behaviors of Polymers & Composites  

SE 261 Aerospace Engineering Design

SE 252 Experimental Mechanics and NDE  

SE 262 Aerospace Structures Repair 

SE 253A Mechanics of Laminated Comp. Structures I 

SE 266 Smart and Multifunctional Materials

SE 253B Mechanics of Laminated Comp. Structures II

SE 281 3D Printable Robotics

SE 253C Mechanics of Laminated Anisotropy Plates & Shells

SE 285 Structural Optimization

SE 254 FRP in Civil Structures

SE 286 Design Optimization for Additive Manufacturing

SE 260A Aerospace Structural Mechanics I



Geotechnical Engineering

SE 222 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 

SE 246 Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

SE 241 Advanced Soil Mechanics 

SE 247 Ground Improvement

SE 242 Advanced Foundation Engineering 

SE 248 Engineering Properties of Soils

SE 243 Soil-structure Interaction 

SE 249 Rock Mechanics

SE 244 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics

SE 250 Stability of Earth Slopes & Retaining Walls

SE 181 Geotechnical Engineering 



Solid Mechanics

SE 202 Structural Stability

SE 271 Solid Mechanics for Structural & Aerospace Engineering  

SE 234 Plates and Shells 

(or MAE equivalent) 

SE 272 Theory of Elasticity 

SE 235 Wave Propagation in Elastic Media

SE 273 Inelasticity 

SE 252 Experimental Mechanics and NDE


SE 270 Fracture Mechanics



Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation

SE 202 Structural Stability

SE 264 Sensors and Data Acquisition for SE

SE 204 Advanced Structural Dynamics

SE 265 Structural Health Monitoring Principles

SE 205 Nonlinear Mechanical Vibrations

SE 266 Smart and Multifunctional Materials

SE 206 Random Vibrations 

SE 267 Signal Processing

SE 224 Structural Reliability and Risk Analysis 

SE 268 Structural System Testing and Model Correlation

SE 252 Experimental Mechanics and NDE 

SE 269 Validation and Verification of Computational Models I

SE 263 Nondestructive Evaluation

SE 282 Diagnostic Imaging

SE 164 Sensors and Data Acquisition for Structural Engineering


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