Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


Instructional Assistant (IA) Positions

  • Positions are very competitive and not all applicants will be offered a position.
  • You should not start preparing to be a IA for a course until you have received an official appointment letter from the department and accepted the position. 
  • The IA application is for submitting requests only. There is no guarantee that you will be given a IA position or that you will be assigned to IA one of your preferred courses. 
  • Academic Student Employment (ASE) titles & duties are listed here.  


FALL 2024 - Application for Fall 2024 IA positions is open from Friday, April 19th, 2024 until Friday, August 23rd, 2024 at 11:59pm:
Click here to apply


WINTER 2025 - Application for Winter 2025 IA positions is open from Friday, April 19th, 2024 until Sunday, December 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm:
Click here to apply


SPRING 2025 - Application for Spring 2025 IA positions is open from Friday, April 19th, 2024 until Friday, February 28th.
Click here to apply


Teaching Assistant:  A Teaching Assistant (TA) assists in the instruction of an upper- or lower-division course at the University under the supervision of a faculty member.  The TA primarily assists the faculty member in charge of the course by conducting discussion or laboratory sections that supplement faculty and by grading assignments and examinations.

Qualifications: Structural Engineering Graduate Student currently enrolled as a UCSD full-time (12 units), or enrolled as a full time UCSD Graduate Student (12 units or more) and hold a B.S. degree in Structural Engineering. Students must also be in good academic standing. You must remain enrolled in at least 12 units all of the quarter to be hired as a 50% TA. You must be enrolled in at least 6 units to be hired as a 25% TA. Per Graduate Division Policy  Graduate Student currently enrolled as a UCSD full-time (12 units) or Undergraduate Student currently enrolled as a UCSD full-time student with junior or senior standing in the major; 3.0 grade-point average and must have taken and received at least a “B” grade in the course or equivalent.

Reader:  Readers assist a course instructor by grading homework, papers, or exams and may also hold office hours to answer students’ questions about such assignments. The Department of Structural Engineering hires readers (Job Code: 2850). Readers are paid biweekly and must submit timesheets. 

Approx. Pay Rate

The Student Academic Title Pay Rates are updated and posted on the Student Academic Title Pay Rates site. In order to calculate the correct pay amount, you will need to calculate it by adjusting the FTE highlighted below: 

Click here to read more about Fee Payment for Academic Student Employees. Any further questions can be sent to

English Language Requirement for International Teaching Assistants (TA)

International graduate students who are nonnative speakers of English must be certified as having requisite language skills before they can serve as teaching assistants (TAs; UC San Diego Graduate Division policy in compliance with Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41).

Evidence of English Language Proficiency: Certification as Teaching Assistant Cut Off Scores

1. Have a TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 26-30; Have an IELTS Speaking subscore of 8-9; Have a PTE Speaking sub-score of 84-90 OR 2. Be an international graduate student who serve as language assistants in courses conducted in their native language.

Students with TOEFL speaking scores of 23-25, IELTS speaking scores of 7-7.5, or PTE speaking scores of 66-83 are required to take the English Language Certification Exam (ELCE) (administered by the UCSD Teaching + Learning Commons). 

Students who do not pass the English Language Certification Exam are given the opportunity to improve their language skills.

Those students who are admitted but have a speaking TOEFL score below 23 will not be allowed to take the certification test. Students who fall into this category may acquire the required English language proficiency skills via courses offered in the English Language Institute  and the English for Academic and Professional Development Program.


Other Information: 

Students may not be a IA for courses in which they are enrolled.

If you are applying for other campus employment (i.e. you think a faculty may support you on research funding, or you applied to IA in more than one department), please remember that your total UCSD employment may not exceed 50% FTE.

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