Structural Engineering

Aerospace Biological Civil Geotechnical Mechanical


Resources for SE Faculty



Process: Please provide the Faculty Assistant with the following information BEFORE going on travel: 

  • Fund Source: Project & Task combination (contact your Fund Manager if you are unsure of which to use OR if you want to check on additional restrictions due to the fund source's Terms & Conditions)
  • Dates of Travel (can be changed later, if needed)
  • Destination(s)
  • Business Purpose
  • Estimated Cost - Include breakdown (i.e. $700 airfare, $300 registration, $500 hotel, etc.)

Provide all receipts as soon as possible. The campus policy requires travel expense reports to be submitted no later than 21 days after the end of the trip.

Department Guidelines

Seminars SE 290

  • Airfare, Hotel for one night, Transportation, Parking
  • Lunch at Faculty Club for 5 max (Guest + max 4 faculty including Host)
  • Dinner with Host only when there is an overnight or late return flight
Faculty Recruitment
  • Airfare, Hotel for 1 or 2 nights, Transportation, Parking
  • Lunch at Faculty Club for 6 max (Guest + max 5 faculty including Host)
  • Dinner with Host + 1 Faculty 
Please contact the Business Office in advance to request an exception. 
Sponsored Projects

The Office of Contracts & Grants Administration serves our valued research community with high quality expertise in support of sponsored research proposal and award administration. 

All Sponsored Research proposal applications must be reviewed/approved by the department via your Fund Manager. Additionally, proposals must be submitted to the sponsor by an analyst in OCGA.


Proposal Intake Form

Timely submission of proposals are outlined here

UC San Diego uses an online internal system called Kuali Research to manage proposals, maintain official proposal records, and route Conflict of Interest or PI exception requests.

PI should notify Fund Manager - 14 Days prior to Sponsor Deadline

For OCGA to provide Full Review of application (with draft science) - 5 days prior to Sponsor Deadline

  • A Full Review means OCGA will review your application with all documents in final form (except draft science) to ensure the University and sponsor policies are met.

Final proposals due to OCGA - 2 days prior to Sponsor Deadline 

  • OCGA will perform an Institutional Review (quick glance, but not Full Review).

  • Proposals submitted less than 6 hours before sponsor deadline will not be guaranteed submission.


Once a contract or grant is funded (aka notice of award in-hand or contract fully signed), the Sponsored Projects Finance team creates a new account for you to manage all budgeting and expenditure activities.

SPF is responsible for financial reporting and/or invoicing for sponsored research funds. Your Fund Manager or you may be contacted directly by an SPF accountant for information as needed.

Effort Certifications (ECERTs): For all employees who receive federal funded payroll (including subawards), effort reports are generated on a biennial basis from UCOP (UC Office of the President) and require PI certification of the paid effort on those projects. Your Fund Manager will notify you of those reports that are ready for your review and certification.

Ways to Buy

The following ways are for non-travel and non-event expenses. 

It is encouraged that you reach out to your Faculty Assistant or Fund Manager for additional guidance on these methods.

REQUIRED: All packing slips for received purchases must be signed & dated and emailed to your Faculty Assistant.

Purchase Orders (Oracle -> Click on Purchase Requisitions icon)

What is Oracle

Oracle is an online system to purchase directly from suppliers who we have UC agreements with such as Amazon, Grainger, etc. as well as to generate purchase orders if suppliers require it for quoted goods and services (such as a discounted price on equipment.) 

You may log on to view catalog items available then send an email to your Faculty Assistant with details on what to purchase and the account to use.

Suppliers must be added to our payee system if UC San Diego has never done business with them before. Please contact your Faculty Assistant to check if they are in our system and/or on how to get them added. 

*If a supplier does not require a purchase order and does not accept credit cards, then please contact your Faculty Assistant with the same information as above so they can generate a ticket request to submit payment directly to them. 

Sole Source Justification - UC policy for purchase of goods or services requires competitive bids for purchase contracts over $100,000 (federally funded purchases threshold is $10,000). The justification form is required to be completed before the Faculty Assistant can proceed to request a Purchase Order. Please review the form here



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